Let's show Whiteman Air Force Base and the University of Central Missouri that God still cares!
We witness to people who travel all around the world making an exponential impact for Christ!

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you. Then you will be my witnesses to testify about me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth."
~Acts 1:8
Upcoming Events:
Sermon Series
Ever wanted to know the order of what happens in the Bible and what that has to do with Jesus? Then this sermon series is for you!
Every Monday we will be uploading a new sermon in our "The Entire Bible in 10 Sermons" playlist. Each video is around 20 minutes with a short intro and then just the sermon so you can listen to it in the car, or on break. We know life gets busy, we're still here to help!
Each sermon goes in order in the timeline of the Bible, catching you up on the whole story of God's people from the beginning. Sermon 1 starts in the garden of Eden where we get the first prophecy about Jesus. Sermon 10 ends with His triumphant return in Revelation. There's A LOT more that happens in between
God has done much to redeem you and He has planned it from the very beginning.
Learn and grow in faith this holiday season!
Thanks for watching!
We now support the ability to support the ministry through online donations. Click the orange button to learn more!
Read Brad's article about the campus center in the Muleskinner!