Independent Donation
Independent donations helped our ministry get off the ground to a wonderful start, and we are deeply grateful for the support. Checks can be made out to Faith Lutheran Church with “Faith & Campus Mission Ministry” or "FACMM" in the memo line. Your church secretary can also contact us for donation envelopes.
We also now support online giving through Vanco Payment Solutions. Click the button to the right for more information.

Church Mission Fund
Ensure the future of proclaiming the Gospel by having us added to your church’s mission fund. By having an allocated amount in your annual budget, this ministry will be able to continue long after you and I have entered into our promised rest. We have an opportunity to forge a legacy of Christianity through this ministry by bringing Jesus Christ to people who need him.
Keep Us Informed
Let us know when your young men and women are coming to UCM. We would love to have them involved. Not everyone goes to a Lutheran college, but everyone should still have the opportunity to continue their Christian faith in a way that’s grounded in scripture.

We are deeply grateful for your prayers. This ministry exists because of the heart and soul that has been poured into it by God through the Christians of central Missouri. God’s blessing is an absolute necessity for any of this to continue.
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. ~Galations 6:2